Common Scams

Miracle weight loss products

Celebrity profiles are misused to falsely endorse diet products. These claim to have exceptional health benefits that the products cannot deliver on.

Fake content and social media ad “campaigns” are used to lure people into purchasing fake products..

The scammers aim to “phish” their victims’ banking details. These are further abused for additional product “costs”.

Cryptocurrency scams

Celebrity profiles are used to endorse cryptocurrency ‘get rich quick’ schemes..

Paid Facebook ad campaigns utilize celebrity images to ‘endorse’ these schemes to make them appear authentic and verified..

Once a person clicks on the link to sign up, they are contacted by scammers who used high pressure tactics, such as repeated phone calls, to convince them to deposit funds into the fake schemes..

Steeply discounted products

Trusted retailers or brands appear to be selling products for an inexplicably low amount.

These products are promoted on Google News and link to a Facebook page set up for the retailer or brand.

Once a person clicks on the link to sign up, they are contacted by scammers who use high pressure tactics, such as repeated phone calls, to convince them to provide credit card details for the time-limited “special offer”.